한국한의학연구원 체질의학연구본부장
김종열은 엘리트 공학도 출신의 한의사다. 지진공학을 연구하던 26살에 한국형 맞춤의학인 사상의학을 만나 매료된 후 30살에 한의과대학에 입학하여 다시 공부를 시작했다. 한의학이 체계가 부족한 학문이라는 주위의 만류에 그 부분을 내가 채우겠다는 의지로 불타올랐단다.
8년의 임상경험을 통해 연구목표를 구체적으로 설정하고 한국한의학연구원에 입사한 후 사상의학을 과학화하는 ‘이제마 프로젝트’를 기획해 이끌고 있다. 공학, 생물학, 통계학 등 10여개 전공자를 모아 전통의학을 현대화하는 작업을 하고 있으며, 최근 한의학 진단을 객관화시킨 체질진단툴을 개발하여 언론의 주목을 받고 있다.
“눈부시게 발달한 현대문명 속에서도 병에 걸리기 전의 건강관리에 대한 지식의 발달 수준은 매우 미약합니다. 어려서부터 설사병으로 고생하며 가졌던 꿈을 사상의학을 통해 이뤄나가고 있어 행복합니다.”라고 말하는 그의 미소가 밝았다.
Kim, Jong-Yeol
the director of headquarter of Constitutional Medicine Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Kim Jong-yeol is a South Korea herbalist (herb doctor) from one of the elite engineering. He used to research geotechnology until the age of 26 but then he was attracted by Sasang typology of personalized medicine, so he enrolled at the oriental medical school and began to study again at 30 years old. He expressed a willingness to participate in oriental medicine even though everyone told him that studying oriental medicine was a waste of time.
Through eight years of clinical experience, he set the goals for research specifically for oriential medicine and he joined the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. He also organized a project called "Lee, Je-ma" which is the Sasang typology converted to scientific typology. He is still working to modernize traditional medicine by collecting more than 10 specialists from fields such as engineering, biology, statistics, etc. Recently, he has attracted the attention of the media for the Sasang Constitution Classification (QSCC).
He said,"The level of knowledge of health care before a disease, is not appreciated even in well developed modern civilizations. I'm so happy to keep accomplishing my goal which i have worked hard to achieve."
the director of headquarter of Constitutional Medicine Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Kim Jong-yeol is a South Korea herbalist (herb doctor) from one of the elite engineering. He used to research geotechnology until the age of 26 but then he was attracted by Sasang typology of personalized medicine, so he enrolled at the oriental medical school and began to study again at 30 years old. He expressed a willingness to participate in oriental medicine even though everyone told him that studying oriental medicine was a waste of time.
Through eight years of clinical experience, he set the goals for research specifically for oriential medicine and he joined the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. He also organized a project called "Lee, Je-ma" which is the Sasang typology converted to scientific typology. He is still working to modernize traditional medicine by collecting more than 10 specialists from fields such as engineering, biology, statistics, etc. Recently, he has attracted the attention of the media for the Sasang Constitution Classification (QSCC).
He said,"The level of knowledge of health care before a disease, is not appreciated even in well developed modern civilizations. I'm so happy to keep accomplishing my goal which i have worked hard to achieve."
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